Well I'm recovering, slowly but surely. I have come the conclusion that it must have just been really bad tonsilitis. The only symptom I have left at the minute is my really swollen glands, and massive tonsils (they were apparently seeping pus at one point, which was a bit gross). On the bright side, no more fever, no more massive achiness, no more hurting ears, and even my dizzy spells are down to a minimum. I've had the past two days off work, which would probably make people suspect that I'd be blogging more, but realistically how much can you write about aimlessly surfing the net, having regular naps, and watching daytime tv all without getting out of my pjs?
I did go out yesterday on a trip to a ASDA, because there were some things that I couldn't get through the day without. This was my worst illness day, due to my fever, etc. So I waited for my co-codamol to kick in (it lowers my temperature, clears my head and helps with my aches and pains, although unfortunately couldn't do anything for the pain in my throat), wrapped up warm, and set out for the walk there. Yes, I had to walk, as Dad had kindly sodded off in the car to go work in. The walk there wasn't too much of a challenge, although I got paranoid with people staring at me on the way there. I have a few theories on this; a) I no longer look backward enough for this little town so people see fit to point and stare at the "outsider", b) I'm just so bloody attractive they can't help but stare (I'm thinking this is a fairly unlikely theory...), or c) I looked so wretched that they felt the need to stare at this tonsilitis-ridden zombie hag. I'm hoping it's a) but have a sad feeling it could be c).
Once in ASDA I'll admit I impulse shopped, which wasn't good as when I'm ill I don't have all my marbles about me. I bought a small tub of clotted cream which had been reduced, due to it going off today. The thing about clotted cream is, I tend to eat it on scones, and the thing about my current affliction is, I can't eat solid food as it hurts too much to chew and swallow. So I bought clotted cream that will go to waste because I don't fancy eating it gone the expiry date.
The walk back home nearly killed me, it's all uphill. I got in, had my food and then had a lie down on the floor as dragging myself to the sofa required too much effort. After that I disappeared upstairs for a three hour long nap.
A lovely mate of mine, who I adore, bought me some oraldene. I gave him the clotted cream to say thank you. He also gave me a muffin, which is currently torturing me as I can't eat solids yet. Grrr.
I'm back in work tomorrow for my last day in this department, so I'm going to put on a surgical mask and gloves and make them some crispie cakes.
A personal diary of a mature Pharmacy student, find out what it's like to have to pay out three grand a year, live on a shoe-string when you have expensive tastes, and most importantly what it's like to be studying.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
The evilness that is tonsilitis
Yes, I'm fairly certain that I've got tonsilitis. I thought I'd gotten over that stage in my life but apparently not. My throat is swollen, it hurts to swallow and it's even affecting my ears. Where are a nice packet or three of strepsils when you need them? I eat them almost like sweets when I've been like this in the past, and yes I am aware that that is technically an OD but it hasn't done me any damage so far.
I'm only moaning on here because if I moaned to a particular mate of mine, he'd make me try some of the foul smelling cough syrup he has. It appears to be Russian in origin and looks like a bottle of cough syrup, but the fun begins once you look at the ingredients list. The list begins with some nasty sounding chemicals, I can't recall their names off-hand but trust me, they don't sound edible. We then move on the ingredients that worried me in particular; chloroform is in there, something that people will probably recall as a film noir method of incapacitating someone (or as an old anaesthetic), but is also a toxic substance. A nice little sentence on Wikipedia states "Chloroform once appeared in toothpastes, cough syrups, ointments, and other pharmaceuticals, but it has been banned in consumer products in the United States since 1976." Anaesthetic ether is also listed amongst the ingredients, another anaesthetic. I do remember using this stuff in a lab practical, for knocking out fruit flies.
None of these ingredients make me want to get near to the stuff, although I did ask him what he thought about it and apparently one gulp of the stuff is enough to stop you coughing for hours. Somehow I'm not surprised.
Edit: After a night of tossing and turning with a fever, I'd gladly take the health hazard cough syrup just so long as I got to sleep peacefully (no doubt I would with the chloroform).
I did sleep well in the end but only after a dose of co-codamol and only for two hours. Now I have the hours drive to work...
Edit Edit: Scratch what I said earlier, I don't have tonsilitis, I have the flu. Owww, I'm so achy! Well I hope it's the flu because if not it could be meningitis. Mum is standing with her trusty, freezing cold glass at the ready in case I get a rash.
I'm only moaning on here because if I moaned to a particular mate of mine, he'd make me try some of the foul smelling cough syrup he has. It appears to be Russian in origin and looks like a bottle of cough syrup, but the fun begins once you look at the ingredients list. The list begins with some nasty sounding chemicals, I can't recall their names off-hand but trust me, they don't sound edible. We then move on the ingredients that worried me in particular; chloroform is in there, something that people will probably recall as a film noir method of incapacitating someone (or as an old anaesthetic), but is also a toxic substance. A nice little sentence on Wikipedia states "Chloroform once appeared in toothpastes, cough syrups, ointments, and other pharmaceuticals, but it has been banned in consumer products in the United States since 1976." Anaesthetic ether is also listed amongst the ingredients, another anaesthetic. I do remember using this stuff in a lab practical, for knocking out fruit flies.
None of these ingredients make me want to get near to the stuff, although I did ask him what he thought about it and apparently one gulp of the stuff is enough to stop you coughing for hours. Somehow I'm not surprised.
Edit: After a night of tossing and turning with a fever, I'd gladly take the health hazard cough syrup just so long as I got to sleep peacefully (no doubt I would with the chloroform).
I did sleep well in the end but only after a dose of co-codamol and only for two hours. Now I have the hours drive to work...
Edit Edit: Scratch what I said earlier, I don't have tonsilitis, I have the flu. Owww, I'm so achy! Well I hope it's the flu because if not it could be meningitis. Mum is standing with her trusty, freezing cold glass at the ready in case I get a rash.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Things to do before I die
I've been thinking again, of the list of things I want to do before I die. I dug up my old list from an old blog posting of mine (not on here) and have been browsing through it to see what I've completed, the answer is not a lot really...
* See the pyramids Yes, I still want to do this at some point in my life. When I was younger I was semi-obsessed with Egyptian mythology, and still have Egyptian art work on my walls. Seeing the pyramids would be an almost spiritual trip for me
* Go to Italy (Venice, Florence, etc) Again, another one I'd still like to do, but havent gotten around to going. I'd like to go Venice for my birthday weekend, but as I'm a winter baby my mum is slowly turning me off the idea, even though I wouldn't be going for the weather
* (Re)Learn French Tut, tut, I always say I shall do this one, and I never do, well apart from today when I decided that I should think with a french accent. Don't judge me, work was dull and it amused me for about half an hour
* Learn another language, maybe Italian or Turkish If you look back on this blog then you'll see a post in which I aimed to be conversational in Turkish by next summer. Have I started learning Turkish? No, would be the quick answer. I think I'm too lazy for this list
* Learn to pole dance properly (with all the tricks like going upside down etc) This one I am closer to doing, I've found a school, I'm rounding up a few friends to come along, and I plan to book a doctors appointment to check that my back won't disagree with this form of exercise
* Go all the way to the top of the Eiffel TowerI haven't even been to France since making this list, I have been up the Eiffel tower before, just not all the way to the top
* Ski down a black slope (the most advanced I've been on was a red one a few years back) Again, I haven't even been skiing since writing this list
* Drive to either Scotland or down south (anywhere that takes around 4 or more hours to get to) Yay, something I've finally done! I drove down to Hertfordshire for my trainers course.
* Own a motorbike Can't afford a motorbike...
* Visit New York Can't afford a trip to New York...
* Stay up all night to see the sunrise Meh, I work now, I see the sunrise when I'm driving to work of a morning
* See a total eclipse of the sun (I was abroad for the one in England, how gutting?) Don't think there has been another since I wrote this list
* Travel first class I nearly got the chance to when I went down to London shopping, but I decided to go for the dirt cheap tickets instead, yay for being tight with money
* Learn to play piano properly Well the keyboard isnt set up at the moment, it's in a cupboard
* Go on holiday with a very large group of friends Can't afford to go away with a large group of friends... I'm sensing a pattern
* Learn how to do a somersault off a wall This has been one of my ambitions for a while, but I'm old and decrepid and have a bad back now
* Be a cool old person with most of their marbles I like to think I've already achieved that one *winks*
* Make the most of my life Not really one I can achieve fully until I croak
* Live in another country for a period of time
* Buy a house I'm not sick of my family, no, not at all...
* To never lose my loveliness
* To see Rent at the cinema several times with different people That one didn't quite work out as only one cinema near us was showing it, and that was about an hour away and only for a couple of weeks. As it worked out didn't get to see it at the cinema at all
* Write something original I don't think I have anything original to write
* See all the films I keep meaning to see This one came about because I have never seen Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, The Godfather, etc etc
* Become a trainer I'm halfway done, just a few more things to sort out before I'm fully qualified
* Say something really profound for my last words Knowing my luck it'll be something really daft instead
* Go to the 2012 Olympics to see the gymnastics That I really want to do
* Reach 88 mph in my car (all you Back to Future fans should realise why) I've done that, it was a bit of an anti-climax really, no sparks, no travelling back in time, damn flux capacitor must be broken
* Organise a Murder Mystery Event I actually have a boxset for this, but again haven't bothered my bottom to do anything about it
* Graduate from University I managed it with a 2.1
* Learn sign language It would be a good thing to learn but again I haven't bothered
* Learn how to make numerous cocktails and even invent a few of my own Mmmm, cocktails
* Organise a big fundraising event for St John Ambulance I don't think I can be bothered with that one
Anyway, that was my list. No doubt it shall be chopped and changed before long. What got me on this topic again was the book I've recently read. It didnt have much to do with doing things before you die, but it was more like setting a task and seeing what came of it. A comedian Carey Marx attempted to find a wife in under six months, this led him on an entertaining and amusing journey as portrayed in the book, "Marry Me". It's a good read, and I'd certainly recommend it. I read it in two days, and most of it was read in tea and lunch breaks at work.
* See the pyramids Yes, I still want to do this at some point in my life. When I was younger I was semi-obsessed with Egyptian mythology, and still have Egyptian art work on my walls. Seeing the pyramids would be an almost spiritual trip for me
* Go to Italy (Venice, Florence, etc) Again, another one I'd still like to do, but havent gotten around to going. I'd like to go Venice for my birthday weekend, but as I'm a winter baby my mum is slowly turning me off the idea, even though I wouldn't be going for the weather
* (Re)Learn French Tut, tut, I always say I shall do this one, and I never do, well apart from today when I decided that I should think with a french accent. Don't judge me, work was dull and it amused me for about half an hour
* Learn another language, maybe Italian or Turkish If you look back on this blog then you'll see a post in which I aimed to be conversational in Turkish by next summer. Have I started learning Turkish? No, would be the quick answer. I think I'm too lazy for this list
* Learn to pole dance properly (with all the tricks like going upside down etc) This one I am closer to doing, I've found a school, I'm rounding up a few friends to come along, and I plan to book a doctors appointment to check that my back won't disagree with this form of exercise
* Go all the way to the top of the Eiffel TowerI haven't even been to France since making this list, I have been up the Eiffel tower before, just not all the way to the top
* Ski down a black slope (the most advanced I've been on was a red one a few years back) Again, I haven't even been skiing since writing this list
* Drive to either Scotland or down south (anywhere that takes around 4 or more hours to get to) Yay, something I've finally done! I drove down to Hertfordshire for my trainers course.
* Own a motorbike Can't afford a motorbike...
* Visit New York Can't afford a trip to New York...
* Stay up all night to see the sunrise Meh, I work now, I see the sunrise when I'm driving to work of a morning
* See a total eclipse of the sun (I was abroad for the one in England, how gutting?) Don't think there has been another since I wrote this list
* Travel first class I nearly got the chance to when I went down to London shopping, but I decided to go for the dirt cheap tickets instead, yay for being tight with money
* Learn to play piano properly Well the keyboard isnt set up at the moment, it's in a cupboard
* Go on holiday with a very large group of friends Can't afford to go away with a large group of friends... I'm sensing a pattern
* Learn how to do a somersault off a wall This has been one of my ambitions for a while, but I'm old and decrepid and have a bad back now
* Be a cool old person with most of their marbles I like to think I've already achieved that one *winks*
* Make the most of my life Not really one I can achieve fully until I croak
* Live in another country for a period of time
* Buy a house I'm not sick of my family, no, not at all...
* To never lose my loveliness
* To see Rent at the cinema several times with different people That one didn't quite work out as only one cinema near us was showing it, and that was about an hour away and only for a couple of weeks. As it worked out didn't get to see it at the cinema at all
* Write something original I don't think I have anything original to write
* See all the films I keep meaning to see This one came about because I have never seen Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, The Godfather, etc etc
* Become a trainer I'm halfway done, just a few more things to sort out before I'm fully qualified
* Say something really profound for my last words Knowing my luck it'll be something really daft instead
* Go to the 2012 Olympics to see the gymnastics That I really want to do
* Reach 88 mph in my car (all you Back to Future fans should realise why) I've done that, it was a bit of an anti-climax really, no sparks, no travelling back in time, damn flux capacitor must be broken
* Organise a Murder Mystery Event I actually have a boxset for this, but again haven't bothered my bottom to do anything about it
* Graduate from University I managed it with a 2.1
* Learn sign language It would be a good thing to learn but again I haven't bothered
* Learn how to make numerous cocktails and even invent a few of my own Mmmm, cocktails
* Organise a big fundraising event for St John Ambulance I don't think I can be bothered with that one
Anyway, that was my list. No doubt it shall be chopped and changed before long. What got me on this topic again was the book I've recently read. It didnt have much to do with doing things before you die, but it was more like setting a task and seeing what came of it. A comedian Carey Marx attempted to find a wife in under six months, this led him on an entertaining and amusing journey as portrayed in the book, "Marry Me". It's a good read, and I'd certainly recommend it. I read it in two days, and most of it was read in tea and lunch breaks at work.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Random job stuff
Remember back in July, when I first got the job I have now, and said it was a four month contract? Well it should come as no surprise that my contract is due to finish at the end of this month. However my lovely team leader knew this and upon overhearing that another department on site was looking for a temp, he suggested me for the role. It's only to Jan 31st but anything right now is better than nothing. To cut a long story short, today I found out that I have this new contract for definite. It is in analytic technology, and is more so involved with drugs that the company is developing.
Along with this change of scenery comes a better job title. From the 4th of December I shall no longer be an Analyst, but a Scientist. I feel quite excited, I may have to change this blog to Lola's Cherry Cola Laboratory, although it doesnt quite have the same ring. I'm excited about this move, but at the same time, absolutely petrified. I think I'll be expected to know things that I don't really know. All this previous job has taught me is how to follow a method step by step, and sometimes I couldn't even manage that... We'll just have to wait and see how it goes.
Speaking of work, the other day I heard something that surprised me, and then made me titter. The company I work for is apparently still producing aerosols with CFCs, although this is the last year they will be produced. It surprised me as the company is otherwise very engaged with trying to be an eco-warrior, persuading us not to print out unnecessary things, to print two pages to a sheet where appropriate, to turn off lights, equipment and computers when we are not using them, and starting off a big recycling quest. One of my co-workers said that apparently when it was first discovered that CFCs were harmful to the environment our company stock-piled a hell of a lot of CFC propellant, so they could keep using it long after it had to be stopped being produced. That was what made me titter, I could just imagine the board room conversation...
Underling: Have you heard about our CFC propellant damaging the environment?
Managers: No. Quick, lets buy some more before it runs out!
Oh dear.
As for today, work didn't like me. I made stupid mistakes and then a sample set was playing up so I can't process my results until monday. But coming out of the carpark I saw my first robin for the winter, and he cheered me up. Yes I'm easily pleased, but then again if I wasn't I'd be walking around in a foul mood constantly. Be happy that I'm easily pleased.
Along with this change of scenery comes a better job title. From the 4th of December I shall no longer be an Analyst, but a Scientist. I feel quite excited, I may have to change this blog to Lola's Cherry Cola Laboratory, although it doesnt quite have the same ring. I'm excited about this move, but at the same time, absolutely petrified. I think I'll be expected to know things that I don't really know. All this previous job has taught me is how to follow a method step by step, and sometimes I couldn't even manage that... We'll just have to wait and see how it goes.
Speaking of work, the other day I heard something that surprised me, and then made me titter. The company I work for is apparently still producing aerosols with CFCs, although this is the last year they will be produced. It surprised me as the company is otherwise very engaged with trying to be an eco-warrior, persuading us not to print out unnecessary things, to print two pages to a sheet where appropriate, to turn off lights, equipment and computers when we are not using them, and starting off a big recycling quest. One of my co-workers said that apparently when it was first discovered that CFCs were harmful to the environment our company stock-piled a hell of a lot of CFC propellant, so they could keep using it long after it had to be stopped being produced. That was what made me titter, I could just imagine the board room conversation...
Underling: Have you heard about our CFC propellant damaging the environment?
Managers: No. Quick, lets buy some more before it runs out!
Oh dear.
As for today, work didn't like me. I made stupid mistakes and then a sample set was playing up so I can't process my results until monday. But coming out of the carpark I saw my first robin for the winter, and he cheered me up. Yes I'm easily pleased, but then again if I wasn't I'd be walking around in a foul mood constantly. Be happy that I'm easily pleased.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Lest we forget
Remembrance day was today and I spent the majority of it at services. As a member of St John Ambulance I helped to cover the main service in the town centre. The service was moving and a pleasure to watch over. The one thing that slightly spoilt the day for me was during the two minute silence, when a family strolled over, stood in front of us and started having a conversation. You'd think that with everybody else being quiet, they would have gotten at least a hint that they shouldn't be speaking, but no, they seemed to be fairly oblivious. Now I dont have a problem with people who personally don't want to observe the two minute silence, but they should have the decency to go elsewhere and conduct their conversation there, rather than distracting those who are trying to pay their respects for those who died in battle. Just my two pence worth.
The second service we attended was a spur of the moment thing for me, as a friend of mine who was giving me a lift mentioned he was going, so why not. I got there and was horrified to find that first aid cover was technically not needed there, and that we all had to march in the parade. St John Ambulance has a military side to it, which involves drill practice etc. Having joined at University I had not been exposed to that side of it (and dont think i'd have lasted very long in the organisation if I had). So this led to things being said like "Right dress" and me standing around wondering what the hell it meant. I don't seem to know my right from my left, and the girl in front of me, bless her, could not swing her opposite arm to opposite leg, so I had to concentrate on someone else to keep step as she was confusing me. Finally I had my fmb's on and they really hurt me when we had to stay still for long periods of time. Never again.
I wasn't impressed with the sermon at the service either, it was patronising. Yes I did agree with many of the points, but I disagreed with others. War is something I am strongly against, many people lose their lives, and the thought of it makes me feel ill. I think Captain Hawkeye Pierce put it best when he said that war was worse than hell, because "In hell, there are no innocent bystanders, war is full of them." I recognise the sacrifice these men and women made, and I respect them deeply, but I have no respect for the reason why they died. I understand that there can be "just" wars, but a lot of wars aren't always "just".
Anyway, before this turns into another rant I'd just like to remember the men and women who have died in any war, the war veterans, and the families who have lost loved ons in combat. May we never forget their sacrifice.
The second service we attended was a spur of the moment thing for me, as a friend of mine who was giving me a lift mentioned he was going, so why not. I got there and was horrified to find that first aid cover was technically not needed there, and that we all had to march in the parade. St John Ambulance has a military side to it, which involves drill practice etc. Having joined at University I had not been exposed to that side of it (and dont think i'd have lasted very long in the organisation if I had). So this led to things being said like "Right dress" and me standing around wondering what the hell it meant. I don't seem to know my right from my left, and the girl in front of me, bless her, could not swing her opposite arm to opposite leg, so I had to concentrate on someone else to keep step as she was confusing me. Finally I had my fmb's on and they really hurt me when we had to stay still for long periods of time. Never again.
I wasn't impressed with the sermon at the service either, it was patronising. Yes I did agree with many of the points, but I disagreed with others. War is something I am strongly against, many people lose their lives, and the thought of it makes me feel ill. I think Captain Hawkeye Pierce put it best when he said that war was worse than hell, because "In hell, there are no innocent bystanders, war is full of them." I recognise the sacrifice these men and women made, and I respect them deeply, but I have no respect for the reason why they died. I understand that there can be "just" wars, but a lot of wars aren't always "just".
Anyway, before this turns into another rant I'd just like to remember the men and women who have died in any war, the war veterans, and the families who have lost loved ons in combat. May we never forget their sacrifice.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
A summary of my week
(A repost as Bloggr has somehow managed to delete it before, good job I had it saved in a file already)
I forgot to mention in an earlier post that we had a visit from the big cheese at work, the site director. I managed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time by stumbling into our teams lab while he and my team leader were in there. I immediately went all quiet, what with being near an important person who probably could fire me on the spot if he wanted. My team leader introduced me, and although I answered any questions, I hadn't been that monosyllabic since the heart incident. It was cringe-worthy, and I quickly made my escape to another lab. Here's hoping I don't accidently run into the next set of auditors that come around.
I did promise a picture of myself in costume, however I'm a little shy about it now. One of my mates was teasing me by saying that pic was close to pornography. Although in saying that I think I'll have to post it now just to reassure you all that it wasn't at all that bad. Grrr, now blogger isnt letting me post it. It is seriously just a normal picture, I'm fully dressed, it isn't bad. You'll have to trust me for now. (Actually here it is as now while re-posting blogger has decided to play)

Today I'm planning a nice little shopping trip into Liverpool, I shall get myself a nice hat, gloves and scarf set seeing as the weather recently is definitely not agreeing with me. I'm not used to the cold! And I think a delicious minted lamb baguette is in order. The best thing is, I can definitely say to my mum that I'm not going into Liverpool just for a minted lamb baguette, that's just a highlight.
Finally I've found pharmacist blogs! I knew they had to be there somewhere and they are. I shall post a few for your viewing pleasure.
The Angry Pharmacist: A fabulous read, and an interesting insight into the profession. Also fun to read the rants about different types of customers that frequent the pharmacy.
Your Pharmacist may hate you: Another great read. Amusing and entertaining. Again from a pharmacist in a retail environment. Many rants about idiotic people.
I'll be lucky if those two don't put me off my future career...
Jim Plagakis: Interesting situations and moral decisions that can affect pharmacists.
There are a few more I've found but I'll let you browse over these if you get a chance.
I apologise for the dry posts from me recently, it seems my life is devoid for humour for now, maybe I can pick some up in Liverpool today.
I forgot to mention in an earlier post that we had a visit from the big cheese at work, the site director. I managed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time by stumbling into our teams lab while he and my team leader were in there. I immediately went all quiet, what with being near an important person who probably could fire me on the spot if he wanted. My team leader introduced me, and although I answered any questions, I hadn't been that monosyllabic since the heart incident. It was cringe-worthy, and I quickly made my escape to another lab. Here's hoping I don't accidently run into the next set of auditors that come around.
I did promise a picture of myself in costume, however I'm a little shy about it now. One of my mates was teasing me by saying that pic was close to pornography. Although in saying that I think I'll have to post it now just to reassure you all that it wasn't at all that bad. Grrr, now blogger isnt letting me post it. It is seriously just a normal picture, I'm fully dressed, it isn't bad. You'll have to trust me for now. (Actually here it is as now while re-posting blogger has decided to play)

Today I'm planning a nice little shopping trip into Liverpool, I shall get myself a nice hat, gloves and scarf set seeing as the weather recently is definitely not agreeing with me. I'm not used to the cold! And I think a delicious minted lamb baguette is in order. The best thing is, I can definitely say to my mum that I'm not going into Liverpool just for a minted lamb baguette, that's just a highlight.
Finally I've found pharmacist blogs! I knew they had to be there somewhere and they are. I shall post a few for your viewing pleasure.
The Angry Pharmacist: A fabulous read, and an interesting insight into the profession. Also fun to read the rants about different types of customers that frequent the pharmacy.
Your Pharmacist may hate you: Another great read. Amusing and entertaining. Again from a pharmacist in a retail environment. Many rants about idiotic people.
I'll be lucky if those two don't put me off my future career...
Jim Plagakis: Interesting situations and moral decisions that can affect pharmacists.
There are a few more I've found but I'll let you browse over these if you get a chance.
I apologise for the dry posts from me recently, it seems my life is devoid for humour for now, maybe I can pick some up in Liverpool today.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
All Hallows Eve, amongst other things
Well the water was safe for human consumption from monday onwards, which brought an end to the "dying for a cuppa syndrome". Apparently the culprit was a corroded pipe, although how that would turn the water blue is beyond me.
Yesterday as we all know was Halloween, and to celebrate I went out on monday for a halloween social. Ended up at Popworld and swung around every single pole in the place. Yes I'm aching again. I'm seriously looking into this poledancing as exercise now, because I can very well believe it! I was also dressed as a cat, so apparently my tail looked very cute swinging about while I played on the pole. I wish I could have a real tail...
So a fun time was had by all, and now I really need to sleep. I may post a picture of my costume when I'm less sleepy.
Yesterday as we all know was Halloween, and to celebrate I went out on monday for a halloween social. Ended up at Popworld and swung around every single pole in the place. Yes I'm aching again. I'm seriously looking into this poledancing as exercise now, because I can very well believe it! I was also dressed as a cat, so apparently my tail looked very cute swinging about while I played on the pole. I wish I could have a real tail...
So a fun time was had by all, and now I really need to sleep. I may post a picture of my costume when I'm less sleepy.
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