Wednesday, October 18, 2006

And people say my hometown smells...

I'm a little calmer today. The last post was a good way to vent off steam because I was so upset. No, I'm being serious. I've met the lead singer of the Uncoventionals, Drew, several times when he was performing in Taboo and he is a sweetheart (see pictures here and here). So I felt gutted for them, and I hope they continue to try to prove themselves as a group, as every one of them are top notch singers.

Now on to a different topic, today I finally regained my sense of smell (well I could breathe through my nose as the cold I've had is wearing off) and soon enough wished that I hadn't. Some foul stench surrounded my workplace today, a very "agricultural stench" as one of my collegues put it. I was literally dry heaving while I walked to my car it was that bad. It wasn't the first time today that I'd been heaving either, my dog had been sick again this morning, and yours truly ended up cleaning it up. Although to look on the bright side, at least I didn't walk right through it again.

I must say there's been a lot of comments to the last post I did, where are all you people coming from? Not that I'm not pleased that people are reading my blog, please come in, have a cherry coke, or whatever tickles your fancy. It's just that I can't remember being out and about "blog whoring" recently. Oh come on, we've all done it at least once...


Mosher said...

I've been blogwhoring a lot. Not done it in ages though. Yours is the first "new" blog I've read in ages. I only popped over from Sane's as I was bored. Glad I did. Nice to read something new that's updated fairly often.

JR's Thumbprints said...

No Cherry Cola for me. Just plain old water. So what's the smell? Cow manure?

Karen said...

Our hometown does smell though, it cannot be denied. At least the cows you could smell were alive, whereas, here, they're dead and burning :(

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