A personal diary of a mature Pharmacy student, find out what it's like to have to pay out three grand a year, live on a shoe-string when you have expensive tastes, and most importantly what it's like to be studying.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
The songs we love to be sad to
Winter - Tori Amos
This is a song I've only heard within the last few days and I love it. Some say it is about a girl losing her father, others say it is about the relationship between a girl and her father and how that relationship changes as the girl grows up. Either way I love listening to it. It is a very moving song.
I Will Love You - Fisher
This is one my sister had first heard, and ever since she played it, I have loved it too. It's such a heartfelt song that I think most people will be able to relate to at some level.
But I need to know will you stay for all time? Forever and a day. Then I'll give my heart 'til the end of all time, forever and a day
Nearer My God to Thee
I think most people can understand why I can cry at this one, just watch the video. A lot of people badmouth the film Titanic but this scene is utterly heartbreaking. People from all backgrounds and walks of life preparing to die, and fighting to live. This film shows the best and worst of human nature, so next time you feel like slagging the film off, watch it again but this time ignore the love story and watch whats going on in the background.
You Raise Me Up
For this song my ultimate version was in fact the one sung by the Conway Sisters in X-Factor a few years back. Purely because I think women in a group can make really goosebumpy harmonies that work so well with this song.
Forget Me Not - Lucie Silvas
Please excuse the video to this song, but it is the main reason why it is a tearjerker for me. It is an Angel music video that some talented soul has done by editing together various clip of the show. This one focuses on the episode Hole in the World, and the death of one of my favourite characters. If you're an Angel fan you'll definitely see why it makes me cry.
Goodbye My Lover - James Blunt
A similar one again except this video is a Dr Who one rather than an Angel one. Yes I'm a geek, you've only just noticed?
Everytime - Britney Spears
I can't help but feel I'm destroying any possible street cred I may have had... It's another Angel video in case you didn't notice.
Shine Your Light - Robbie Robertson
Last Angel video I promise. It's the end of the song that gets me in this one, very meaningful. It also made me cry when it was shown in the film Ladder 49.
Until the Last Moment - Yanni
A gorgeous instrumental piece. I'm still not quite certain why it has made me cry on occasion.
Full of Grace - Sarah McLauchlan
A beautiful song.
I could have had more but I've decided to leave it at ten. I'm always on the look out for more tearjerker songs so please feel free to add your own in the comments.
At some point within the next few months I'll be posting my favourite tearjerkers from the musicals. So stay tuned.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Sorry All
Five Things
What are five things you were doing ten years ago?
1) Going to High School
2) Started coaching gymnastics (young I know)
3) Dancing in pantomimes
4) Started to learn how to ski
5) Watched cartoons, nothing ever changes
What are five things you were doing this time last year?
1) In the middle of my contract in my first real job
2) Preparing a Halloween costume
3) Being annoyed that my student mates could go out until all hours while I had to be up at six every weekday to get to work
4) Blogging for about three months
5) Trying to make sense of my on and off relationship with my ex
What are five snacks that you enjoy?
1) Pizza
2) Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream
3) Nachos
4) Pringles and dip
5) A moderately healthy one now, mozzarella, parma ham and melon salad
What are five songs you know the lyrics to?
1) Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
2) Wannabe - Spice Girls
3) Everytime we touch - Cascada
4) Waterloo - ABBA
5) Mary's Prayer - Danny Wilson
What five things would you do if you were a millionaire?
1) Buy my own house.
2) Fork over money to my parents so they can buy a holiday home abroad for them to retire to, and some for my sister and good friends too.
3) Buy some things I've wanted for a while like an X-pole.
4) Donate some money to key charities.
5) Travel everywhere I want to go
What are your five bad habits?
1) Cracking my joints, in particular my fingers, back and toes
2) Biting the skin around my nails
3) Being like a dog with a bone at times/being incredibly stubborn
4) Procrastination
5) Being slightly neurotic and paranoid
What five things do you like to do?
1) Spend time with mates and family, there's nothing like a good old natter
2) Blog obviously
3) Travel
4) Listen and dance to music (with or without a pole)
5) Eat out when I can afford it
What are five things you will never wear again?
1) My hair one length and level with my jaw, it looked naff
2) My hair pillar box red, granted that was a misunderstanding between me and the hairdresser but still I look back on the photos and cringe
3) Matching outfits with my sister, the bane of my childhood, hehe
4) Whatever is fashionable if I don't like it, there's no point in following the trends if the trends look naff on you
5) A nail piercing... granted I was about 13
What are your five favorite toys?
1) My phone
2) My laptop.
3) My mp4 player.
4) My camera.
5) My molecular modelling kit (geek!)
What are five things you hate to do?
1) Physics, gawd I feel thick
2) Get my work done right away.
3) Certain aspects of housework, like ironing.
4) Lectures with the current bunch of rude people in our year.
5) Feel anything worse than ok.
I know some people don't like doing memes, so I'll just leave this one up for anyone who has a few minutes to waste and fancies doing it.
Where my beauty lies

Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Original Pictures Are Back! Detailed Results::..

Your Beauty lies in Plain Sight. Plain, simple and the girl next door. People tend overlook you as you are the "normal girl", but you're actually very beautiful. And you have plenty about you to set you apart, but more that lets you blend. People love the stability you have because as others may come and go, you will always be there and you may always be the same. You like simple things and that's what people like about you. You most likely enjoy things most consider normal, like movies, shopping, that sort of thing and are very friendly and probably have many friends. You are sweet and kind and that shows on you, but you're also strong and not very naive. You're a rather well-rounded individual. Even though some people pass you off as just another girl, shrug it off because they don't know what they're missing.
Some Things That Represent You:
Element:Earth, Light Animal: Cat Color: Pinks, Blues, Browns Song:Girl Next Door by Pilot Expression: Simple Smile
Gemstone:Alexandrite Mythological Creature: Fox Demon, Hobbit Planet: Jupiter Hair Color: Light Brown Eye Color:Brown
Quote:"To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world."
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Sunday, October 07, 2007
Lecture Rant
Since finishing my last degree I had forgotten how much this particular thing bothered me, but now I'm back it's rearing it's ugly head once more and causing my blood pressure to creep up. Anyone who has ever done a degree should be able to relate to this one.
How rude is it when the lecture is nearing it's end, the lecturer is still talking and people start to pack their things away? Would it seriously cripple them to hang on for all 30 seconds of the summary of the lecture and then pack away and go? For me it is the height of rudeness, if you were in a job interview would you start putting things away while the interviewer was still talking to you? I highly doubt it, and yet these students think it is ok to pretty much ignore the lecturer at the end of the lecture.
On a related topic there are an awful lot of people who think it's ok to talk in lectures as well, and I don't mean the brief "Oh, what did Dr. Whatdyacallhim say just then?" kind of whispered exchange that I can forgive. I mean full blown what I did last night and what I'm doing tonight kind of conversation that could certainly wait until the lecture is over. It's rude and it's very distracting to those students who are actually trying to listen to the lecturer. I would wonder why they actually came to the lecture in the first place, but our course actually monitors attendance via attendance sheet so they show up to get their mark. I just wish I could forcibly gag them sometimes.
I'd like to wish that this was an unrelated incident but our whole society in general is a selfish and rude one. Yesterday my mum, my sister and I went out and about for a food and drink festival. My sister is currently on crutches having torn the ligaments surrounding one of her toes while dancing (apparently it's more painful than it sounds). On the way back we boarded a very crowded train, with not a single free seat, my sister stood balancing on her crutches and leaning against the edge of a seat. Did the lads standing by us stand up to offer her a seat? Nope. Did the adults sitting by us? Nope. After one stop into the train journey a girl about my age noticed and stood up to let Hop-along have her seat. Am I the only one who finds it disgusting that people are too self-obsessed to think of giving up their seat for someone else? (And before anyone asks, yes I have previously given up my seat for people who are frail/injured/heavily pregnant etc).
On an unrelated note on that same train a girl who had been sitting down chatting on her phone since Oxford Road (I'm assuming she got on at Piccadilly, the stop before) told the conductor that she had got on at Central (several stops later). I was this close to dobbing her in it, and apparently so was my Mum. I sometimes wonder if I'm a bit of a mug for going by the rules?
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